⁉️ Did you know?

🗺️ If you are a foreign national and wish to work in France for more than 3 months, you may be eligible for the multi-year “Talent Passport” residence permit, which exempts you from the need to obtain prior work authorization.

🗼 The “Talent Passport” card can be issued in several situations:
– If you are highly qualified.
– If you come to France to conduct research or teach at the university level.
– If you wish to create a business or invest in France.
– If you are an artist.

🗓️ It is valid for up to 4 years and is renewable.

👩‍👧‍👦 Additionally, your spouse and minor children can benefit from the simplified “Accompanying Family” procedure, allowing them to join you in France for the duration of your stay.

💁‍♀️ Our consultants are available to provide you with more details and assist you with your immigration procedures. Contact us !

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🗝️10 Keys to Successfully Integrate into French Culture

🗺️ Immersing yourself in a new culture means accepting to lose your bearings and take a leap into the unknown. How can you successfully integrate into French culture? Here are 10 keys to help you:

1. Learn the language: French is known for being challenging, but immersion makes it more accessible. Participating in language courses or language exchanges can greatly facilitate your learning.

2. Master the codes: “Tu” or “vous”? Handshake or kisses? Although Covid temporarily slowed down physical closeness, it’s back. It’s hard to escape! Observing and imitating locals will help you navigate these nuances.

3. Become a gastronomy pro: In France, people eat, taste, and talk about food constantly. Eating cheese is a good start, but there’s so much more to discover. Explore local markets and try new recipes.

4. Enjoy the terraces: Sit at a terrace and soak up the local atmosphere. It’s a great way to observe daily life and mingle with residents.

5. Appreciate the bakery: Queuing in front of a bakery is always worth it—the bread is delicious! Try different specialties like croissants, pains au chocolat, and traditional baguettes.

6. Integrate at work: Get familiar with the coffee machine and listen carefully. This is often where important information circulates and where you’ll build your professional network. Participating in coffee breaks can help you better understand your work environment’s dynamics.

7. Accept dinner invitations: In France, people invite each other “at home” to get to know each other. It’s a cultural tradition. Always bring a small gift, like a bottle of wine or flowers, to thank your hosts.

8. Reciprocate the invitation: Don’t worry about your culinary skills; the French are open to new gastronomic experiences. It’s the thought that counts, and they will appreciate your effort to reciprocate.

9. Get involved in an association: Whether cultural, sports, or charitable, it will allow you to meet people and make friends quickly. It also shows your interest in the local community.

10. Dare to complain: It seems to be one of the characteristics that distinguish the French! Moderate complaining can even help break the ice and create bonds.

😍 Are you planning to visit France soon and looking for personalized support to better understand French culture and integrate successfully? You’re making the right choice! Contact us for a warm welcome and a smooth, successful expatriation.

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🗼 Discover Paris !

🚴 Place de la Concorde, chosen to host the BMX freestyle, Breaking, skateboard, and 3×3 basketball events for the Paris 2024 Olympics, is currently being transformed into an “urban park.”

👑 This iconic square has undergone many transformations and historical events. Created by the royal architect Jacques-Ange Gabriel, it was inaugurated in 1772 and named after King Louis XV. In 1792, it was renamed Place de la Révolution, and the guillotine was erected there. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, as well as Danton and Robespierre, were executed on this site.

⛲ Three years later, to mark reconciliation after the tumultuous period of the Reign of Terror, it was renamed Place de la Concorde. In the early 19th century, architect Hittorff was tasked with redesigning the square: statues representing major French cities and majestic fountains were added.

❤️‍🔥 In 1836, the obelisk, a gift from Egypt in honor of the deciphering of hieroglyphs by Jean-François Champollion, was installed at the center of the square.

♠️ Following the Olympics, new developments are planned, based on the recommendations of the expert committee for the revitalization of Place de la Concorde. The enhancement of this exceptional heritage is eagerly awaited!

😍 Are you planning to visit France soon and looking for personalized support to better understand French culture and integrate successfully? You’re making the right choice! Contact us for a warm welcome and a smooth, successful expatriation.

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😒Are the French Really Grumblers ?

🤦‍♂️Are the French really awful complainers? This cliché sticks to us, but what is the reality? Have you noticed that little throat clearing followed by a sigh, characteristic of our exasperation?

🙎 Certainly, we often complain about things over which we have no real control, like the weather… but isn’t it a way to start a conversation? It seems we take a certain pleasure in grumbling because it invites our interlocutors to express their opinions and keeps the conversation going, an art we have mastered.

🤨 On camera, when journalists interview our fellow citizens, everything is subject to criticism: the state of the country, the weight of the administration, purchasing power, transportation… This escalation of discontent seems to express a sense of solidarity and belonging.

👩‍⚕️ Anglo-Saxons find this habit disturbing and do not understand this lack of restraint. Yet, releasing negative emotions is said to be good for health… That’s probably why, even though they overwhelmingly declare themselves happy, the French cannot give up this little habit!

😘 Are you planning to come to France and looking for effective support to better understand French culture and establish yourself here? Contact us!

#FrenchCulture #LivingInFrance #CulturalDifferences #ExpatLife #CommunicationSkills #InterculturalCommunication #FrenchLifestyle #CulturalAwareness #ExpatsInFrance #France #FrenchCustoms #SocialNorms #BusinessInFrance #CulturalIntegration #RelocatingToFrance

✍️ Preserving the Right to Practice One’s Profession

📃 A foreign national holding a residence permit must apply for its renewal within the two months preceding its expiration in order to benefit from the three-month period allowing them to continue exercising their professional activity after the permit’s expiration (Cour de cassation, Social Chamber, November 29, 2023, No. 22-10.00).

💼 In a ruling by the Social Chamber on November 29, 2023, the Cour de cassation reaffirmed that between the expiration date of the resident card and the administrative authority’s decision on the renewal application, within the limit of three months from the permit’s expiration, the foreign national can justify their lawful stay by presenting the expired card. This allows them to maintain their social rights, including the right to work.

♻ The Court also noted that a foreign national residing in France has a two-month period before the expiration of their residence permit to submit their renewal application.

🔑 The combination of these two rules, derived from the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right to Asylum, implies that a foreign national must apply for the renewal of their permit within the two months preceding the expiration of their residence card to benefit from the three-month period during which they can continue to work.

📄 If the employee does not provide proof of having initiated the renewal process within this two-month period before the expiration of their permit, termination of the employment contract upon the permit’s expiration may be justified. Conversely, if this procedure was completed within the legal timeframe, the foreign worker can continue working for three months.

🤝 Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have regarding the employment of your foreign workers.

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💖 Bernard Pivot, Symbol of French Literature and Culture

✒ On the set of Apostrophes, cigarette smoke slowly rose, sometimes obscuring the stage…

💥 The conversations grew heated, debates turned passionate, but each week, there was a shared love for words and literature.

🎶 The first notes of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 1 opened the show, with publishing houses and publicists holding their breath, hoping their authors’ performances would spark viewers’ curiosity, sending them rushing to bookstores the next day.

📖 Today, we remember those memorable exchanges, the joy of great literary discoveries, but also, unfortunately, the shocking remarks made by some writers, complacently covered by the literary world.

✒ From 1975 to 1990, during prime time, Bernard Pivot, an insatiable reader and lover of words and life, hosted this unforgettable show, etched in everyone’s memory. Then came Bouillon de culture, and the famous dictation of the Orthography Championships, filled with formidable words previously unknown: palimpsest, apophthegm, or sybarite…

💌 Bernard Pivot has left us, leaving an indelible mark. He was a major cultural figure who managed to democratize and disseminate culture. Bravo and thank you.

🗼 Are you moving to France soon and interested in French culture? You’re absolutely right, as knowing the culture of the country you’re moving to is a key factor for a successful expatriation. Need help with your relocation and immigration paperwork? Contact us!

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