😒Are the French Really Grumblers ?

🤦‍♂️Are the French really awful complainers? This cliché sticks to us, but what is the reality? Have you noticed that little throat clearing followed by a sigh, characteristic of our exasperation?

🙎 Certainly, we often complain about things over which we have no real control, like the weather… but isn’t it a way to start a conversation? It seems we take a certain pleasure in grumbling because it invites our interlocutors to express their opinions and keeps the conversation going, an art we have mastered.

🤨 On camera, when journalists interview our fellow citizens, everything is subject to criticism: the state of the country, the weight of the administration, purchasing power, transportation… This escalation of discontent seems to express a sense of solidarity and belonging.

👩‍⚕️ Anglo-Saxons find this habit disturbing and do not understand this lack of restraint. Yet, releasing negative emotions is said to be good for health… That’s probably why, even though they overwhelmingly declare themselves happy, the French cannot give up this little habit!

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